Thursday, March 10, 2011

Set (Overhand Pass) Skill



Note: before and after executing drills a proper warm up is required follwed by static stretching to prevent possible injury, stiffness, strains, and improve overall flexibility, stability and range of motion

Line Drill: Split the players into two groups. Have the 2 groups line up facing each other in a single file line leaving about 5 feet in between the 1st person in line for each group. the first person in the line from one group will start the drill by setting the ball in the air slightly forward towards the first person in line in the other group. As the player hits the ball, he/she runs to the back of their line and the drill is contiued. The idea of the drill is to see how many continuous hits can be passed between each player of the group without the ball falling to the ground. While the drill is being performed the coach should be looking at form and accuracy of the set.

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