Thursday, March 10, 2011

Block Skill


Note: before and after executing drills a proper warm up is required follwed by static stretching to prevent possible injury, stiffness, strains, and improve overall flexibility, stability and range of motion.

Shuffle Step Drill: In this drill, pair up your players and line them up on opposite sides of the net in the front row. The idea of the drill is for the players to all move in the same direction shuffling along the side of the net. To complete this drill the players will pair up and start on either the right or left side of the net. When the whistle is blown the pair of players are to shuffle their feet in the same direction 3 steps and then jump vertically as if they were blocking a spike or dig. The players repeat this process until they reach the other end of the net. Throughout this drill, the coaches should be monitoring the players form while shuffling and jumping. The players should be reminded that flexing the knees 90 degrees and swinging the arms upward will increase their muscular power throughout the drill.

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