Thursday, March 10, 2011

Recovery Phase

Your arms should medially move toward the body.Keep your knees flexed with your legs shoulder width apart. Your hands should fall at your waist, keeping your palms open. Face the target to prepare for the next Volleyball move.



 Cues: Bend knees, feet apart, face the target.


1.       Flex- to move or bend muscles to cause flexion.
2.       Balance-  the ability to control the equilibrium.
3.       Center of Gravity – point around which a body’s weight is equally balanced in all directions.
4.       Weight – attractive force that the earth exerts on a body.
5.       Lateral – away from the midline of the body.
6.       Abduct- “to take away”, moving a body segment away from the midline of the body.
7.       Extension- the act or instance of extending.
8.       Vertically- the direction aligned with the direction of the force of gravity.
9.       Adduct – “to add to”, moving a body segment toward the midline of the body.
10.   Anterior – toward the front of the body.
11.   Supinate- rotating the hands or wrists away from the body.
12.   Inferior – farther away from the head.
13.   Distal – away from the trunk.
14.   90 degrees- forming a right angle.
15.   Medial – toward the midline of the body.
16.   Frontal Plane- plane in which lateral movements occur.
17.   Sagittal Plane - plane in which forward and backward movements occur.
18.   Static Stretching- maintaining a slow, controlled, sustained stretch over time, usually lasting about 30 seconds.
19.   Stiffness- stress/strain in a loaded material; stress divided by the relative amount of change in shape.
20.   Strain- amount of deformation divided by the original length of the structure or by the original angular orientation of the structure.
21.   Flexibility- the relative ranges of motion allowed at a joint in different directions.
22.   Muscular Power- the product of muscular force and the velocity of muscle shortening.
23.   Range of Motion – the angle through which a joint moves from anatomical position to the extreme limit of segment motion in a particular direction.
24.   Base of Support- area bound by the outermost regions of contact between a body and a support surface.
25.   Stability- ability of a joint to resist abnormal displacement of the articulating bones.
26.   Muscular Strength- the amount of torque a muscle group can generate at a joint.

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