Thursday, March 10, 2011

Block Skill


Note: before and after executing drills a proper warm up is required follwed by static stretching to prevent possible injury, stiffness, strains, and improve overall flexibility, stability and range of motion.

Shuffle Step Drill: In this drill, pair up your players and line them up on opposite sides of the net in the front row. The idea of the drill is for the players to all move in the same direction shuffling along the side of the net. To complete this drill the players will pair up and start on either the right or left side of the net. When the whistle is blown the pair of players are to shuffle their feet in the same direction 3 steps and then jump vertically as if they were blocking a spike or dig. The players repeat this process until they reach the other end of the net. Throughout this drill, the coaches should be monitoring the players form while shuffling and jumping. The players should be reminded that flexing the knees 90 degrees and swinging the arms upward will increase their muscular power throughout the drill.

Stance Phase

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. With your knees slightly flexed, balance your body weight between your feet. This stance will help you maintain a low center of gravity, which will make it easier to perform the desired skill as it gives the players a stable base of support.


Cues: Knees bent shoulder width apart, face target.

Preparatory Phase

Keep your shoulders square with the net. Bilaterally abduct your shoulders in the frontal plane keeping your elbows flexed 90 degrees and your hands at shoulder level with your palms open facing outward. Continue to stand with your knees flexed for optimal muscular strength when jumping.


Cues: Hands at shoulder level, bend knees

Movement Phase

Vertically jump straight up, extending your arms over your head with your palms facing out. Lock your arms above your head. Keep your arms close together to prepare for contact with the ball.


Cues: Explode, Reach toward the sky, get big

Follow Through

Keep your arms extended, locked above your head with your palms open facing outward, even on the way down.


Cues: keep your arms up til your feet hit the floor.

Recovery Phase

After landing softly, keep your knees flexed, medially adduct your arms, and place your hands at your waist. Keep your palms open, anteriorly face the target to prepare for the next Volleyball move.


Cues: Land soft, bend knees, face target.

Bump (Underhand Pass) Skill



Note: before and after executing drills a proper warm up is required follwed by static stretching to prevent possible injury, stiffness, strains, and improve overall flexibility, stability and range of motion

Box Drill: The coach will mark a box on the floor, the size of the box is determined by the skill of the player. A coach might want to draw a bigger box for a novice player and a smaller box for a more skilled player. While standing in the box, the player is to bump the ball vertically in the air to his/her self continuously without stepping out of the box. This drill will teach accuracy and conrtol for players using the bump skill. For more accuracy the coach can have the players bump the ball between each other while still standing in their box, unable to step out.